[CS Blog] Nailed your Computer Science Homework with AskSia: Beyond Just Answers
In the evolving landscape of educational technology, AskSia emerges as a beacon of innovation, redefining the way students interact with Artificial Intelligence to learn and solve complex problems. Unlike ChatGPT and GPT-4, AskSia isn't just about providing the right answers; it's about crafting a pathway to deeper understanding, comprehensive explanations, and actionable learning insights.
AskSia's Coverage in Computer Science
AskSia meticulously explains a wide array of computer science topics, including:
- Programming Languages: Java, Python, C, C++, JavaScript, SQL, Go, and more.
- Dependencies, Data Structure, Algorithm
- Machine Learning
- Computer Science Theory: State Machine, Relational Algebra, Proofs
- Explore numerous other topics at your own pace!
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Coding with AskSia: Everything You Need to Learn How to Code
Unlike others, AskSia doesn't just throw out answers. It makes sure the answers fit exactly what you, as a student and educator, are looking for. This is super important for learning because it means you get to see how your specific question gets solved, not just any question, without having to go back and forth with the conversation with AI.
Beyond giving you the correct code, AskSia goes the extra mile by giving you test codes and use cases for coding questions. This means you get to play around with the code, see how it works in different situations, and easily get to test the code yourself.
Beyond this, AskSia provides detailed comments on each block of code to help you understand the syntax and semantics of the code, a step-by-step breakdown on how you could approach the question, a brief explanation, as well as a time and space complexity analysis of the algorithm.
We tested more than 20 questions and recorded the performance of chatGPT, GPT-4, Claude 3, and asksia. Asksia has been the best in most ratings, demonstrated a better performance at 100% accuracy rate, more consistent response quality, and better and more relevant explanation over solutions. Below shows a detailed comparison between the performance of chatGPT, GPT-4, and asksia.
Case1 - AskSia outperforms chatGPT and GPT-4 in various dimensions on the performance of generated response under the education:
Case2 - An extra mile: AskSia provides additional useful explanations and analysis for students beyond JUST the correct solution:
Case3 - Asksia understand the user's need for pseudo-code rather than mechanical output of complete code (provide solution that meet users' specification):
Theory Questions? AskSia’s Got Your Back
Now, when it comes to theory questions, like those tricky questions about the basic of computer science, such as Deterministic Finite Automaton or Nondeterministic Finite Automaton, AskSia shines again. AskSia not only answers theory questions with higher accuracy, but can also generate LaTeX code to help you see how things look visually for state machines. Seeing something can make understanding it a whole lot easier, and having to draw the state machine through LaTeX manually is often a pain.
Case4 - Asking AskSia a computer science theory question about state machine, AskSia gives the correct solution, explanation, as well as a latex code that you could use to compile for the drawn state machine:
Case5 - Compile the LaTex code provided in AskSia's answer above in an online editor to get the state machine diagram:
Case6 - ChatGPT does not give you the graph every time, and even if it does, it generate faulty solutions and unreadable diagram:
Case7 - GPT-4 does not give you a diagram:
Learning More Than Just Answers
What makes AskSia special isn't just that it can find answers. It's about how it helps you understand the "why" and the "how" behind those answers. It's like having a teacher who makes sure you really get the concept, not just memorize stuff. This way, learning becomes something that sticks with you, not just something you forget after a test.
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We would love for feedback. Let's make AskSia better as your personal tutor! For feedback or anything else we could help with our product, please email: asksiafeedback@gmail.com.